Dealing with a global pandemic is hard. It has changed life as we know it for at least a couple of generations. This video discusses three life coaching tips to get through it all.


The virus is here.

We’re all in the same boat right now. We’re limited as to where we can go, what we could do, with whom we can meet. Now that most of you aren’t commuting or hopefully not spending too much time on Netflix, here are my top three things to keep top of mind while you’re hunkered down with all of your “essentials” for this whole pandemic. So grab a notebook and a pen and really give some thought to these concepts.



Number one is gratitude.

{From Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby} “Dear Lord, baby Jesus or as our brothers to the South call you ‘Jesús,’ we thank you so much for this bountiful harvest…”

We live in a world where just about everything is at our fingertips. We have friends and family that we can meet with almost anytime we want and go to a nice restaurant, have a meal and have a drink. We take all these things for granted, until they get taken away.

So this is an opportunity in your life to just have a look around and see the people, the things and even the personal abilities that you’re grateful for. On the note of gratitude, look what we can do online right now! I mean, if you’re not grateful for the internet right now, there’s definitely something wrong with you.

So here’s your chance to write it down. Take some time…

What are you grateful for?


Pandemic Unity

Number Two is Unity.

{From Gladiator}: “We’ve got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together we survive.”

face mask Christmas

We’ll never view surgical masks the same way ever again.

We all need each other and it’s more evident now than it’s ever been. Another one of those realities of our world is that there’s this perception that we don’t need anybody; that we’re individualistic and that we can live completely on our own. Nothing can be further from the truth!

Here’s the thing: The virus doesn’t care. A pandemic doesn’t care how much money you have, where you’re from, what your political views are. It just doesn’t matter. This whole idea of “us versus them” has never worked in the history of humankind. It has only caused conflict.

So now we’re dependent upon those same people that maybe we’re blaming for the problems in the world to act and behave in a way that’s safe for us and safe for the people that we most care about. We are all connected.

So next question in your notebook is:  Who are you blaming? And how is that helping with the problem you’re concerned about?


Contemplating Death

The third thing to think about during this pandemic is death; the contemplation of death.

{From As Good As It Gets} “Yeah, we’re all gonna die soon. I will, you will.”

Why do so many people have this big awakening in their life when they have a near-death experience or somebody close to them passes away? It’s because death is our greatest teacher. It gives us perspective. It gives us the mother of all perspectives:  Why are we here? And what do we want to accomplish while we’re on this earth; while we’re alive?

There’s a reason that this concept has been repeated throughout world philosophies (like Stoicism’s Memento Mori) and different cultures and world religions. It’s because it’s so effective at really making us think about our mortality.

So here’s the exercise:

Fast forward to the end of your life. Hopefully 80 90 years, maybe more. You’re on your deathbed, and you’re surrounded by the people that are most important to you. What matters? What matters at that moment? What matters about everything you did in your lifetime?

And then maybe the hardest question: Are you living that life? Are you on the path to get there without having regrets?

So those are my top three: Gratitude, Unity and Contemplating Death.

Be safe be well, and if you really liked this video, please subscribe.


p.s. – Has the pandemic made you think of how you want to spend the rest of your life? Book a FREE trial session and let’s have a chat.

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC

Paul is a Master Life Coach for GenX and GenY executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 14-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.