Curiosity might not seem like it’s something that can be life-changing, but the more you apply it intentionally into your life, the better your life seems to get.
In this video, I discuss how to apply curiosity to develop more self-awareness, and improve your relationships and communication.
Get Curious While Conflict is Happening
So you may have heard that phrase: “Don’t get mad, get even.” I have a different one. It’s “don’t get mad get curious!”
Why curiosity? Because when somebody’s angry with you, there’s something else that’s happening. So if you’re able to keep a tone of curiosity, and ask that person what’s really behind that–what are they afraid of; what are they concerned is going to happen? Then it opens you up to a whole new type of conversation with that person, and it and it maintains the relationship in a better state.
Get Curious After the Event
After you have this argument, or after somebody says or does something that upsets you, then you get curious about yourself. So what’s the story you’re telling yourself? What’s the trigger that set you off that had you getting upset or angry?
Take some time and journal about it and really ask yourself what is it that made me flinch in this situation?
Don’t get mad, get curious. See you next time.
Thank you so much for watching. If you like this video, please give me a subscribe, or you can drop some comments down below.
Blooper Reel
I wasn’t looking at the lens the whole time–I was looking at my screen [laughs], so let me redo that…
So when you’re able to do that then….I don’t know what [laughs].
p.s. – Having a hard time getting curious in the midst of conflict? Book a FREE trial session today.
Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC
Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC
Paul is a Master Life Coach for GenX and GenY executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 14-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.