Life Coaching wasn’t always on my radar. I was stuck – I had made a series of life choices that created a cage for myself and wasn’t sure how I got there.
From Corporate Executive to Life Coach
…but I jumped into some Fortune 500’s, I was climbing the ladder as they say – to who knows where. I had no balance.
I was working days, nights and weekends-we both were. We were burning the candle at both ends, I had gained 85 pounds, which is what? about 35 kilograms?
…and there was a small part of the job that I loved, but I told myself that all of this was to sacrifice.
You’re supposed to sacrifice to get anything good. I actually believed this, and I know a lot of people still believe that… that’s the way to get anything good is to sacrifice.
And you know, do this hard work, and do things you don’t like because that’s just the way it is, right?
So I was doing that, and I wasn’t enjoying my life. I wasn’t enjoying the things I was doing, and then one day, I got a wakeup call.
The Wake-Up Call
One day, I got a phone call – I was getting my second cup of coffee 8 a.m. in the morning, and my father called and he was in hysterics, and he’s never in hysterics…and my brother had shot himself.
And that was the worst experience of my life, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me, because it woke me up.
It made me ask “What am I doing? Why am I doing this stuff?” And so it definitely wasn’t an overnight change.
Eliminating the “Shoulds” on my Path to Becoming a Life Coach
In fact, it was about a good two years of going to therapy, hiring a coach, getting a personal trainer to lose weight and getting back in shape – doing all these things to better myself, and when all of the “shoulds” went away, when all the “shoulds” went away of what you should be and should do, you know, culture and family and all these influences that are yelling in our ears of what we should become, it was obvious I was a life coach.
p.s. – Do you want to find your calling? Book a FREE trial session to see how I may be able to help!

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC
Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC
Paul is a Master Life Coach for GenX and GenY executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 14-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.