In regards to early rising, you may have heard of the popular sayings:
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
“The early bird gets the worm.”
But, what truth do these sayings hold? Well, early rising has many perks. In this post, we will learn how improving your body’s sleep cycle and waking up early can bring you benefits.
A lot of people find it hard to climb out of bed early in the morning. This is especially true for the night owls among us. Others find it a challenge as they dread a long hard day at work, while some just hate the cold morning air. In any case, early rising is an effective technique that can improve your quality of life.
No, you don’t have to get up THAT early to reap the beneftis of early rising.
It may sound like torture to wake up so early in the morning, preferably an hour or two before you usually get up. However, amazing benefits, such as better health, positive mood, and increased energy and productivity, are compelling benefits to help get you started.
The Benefits of Early Rising
Many people, especially popular successful personalities, swear by the benefits of rising early each day. It may sound like a drag and a challenging task to take up, but adopting a healthy sleep routine is not unachievable. Here is why you should start practicing early rising.
Positive Outlook
Various studies suggest that people who wake up early in the morning also tend to sleep early. This means that they are more likely to get an adequate amount of sleep than many others. Restfully sleeping for 7-9 hours can support a healthier body and mind. This has numerous benefits on its own, including reduced stress and increased positivity.
If you know someone who practices early rising, you may have noticed that they have an optimistic perspective of everyday life. Oftentimes, late-nighters also find it annoying when early rises are too positive about everything that life throws at them on a regular basis. This is because early rising can significantly improve your outlook and make it more positive.
Increased Energy
As we have already mentioned, waking up early means that you also go to bed on time. This may mean developing a better “winding down” habit that will equate to sufficient sleep and better rest, leading to more energy. Early risers with an adequate wind-down routine the night before are much more likely to experience restful nights without twisting and turning, unlike late sleepers.
Developing a good wind-down routine like reading in bed is a good way to make sure you get adequate sleep.
Lower blood pressure, slower breathing, and increased blood supply during sleep aids with tissues and bone repair. Your body also increases the release of growth hormones that help with muscle development.
When you sleep well during the night, you are likely to experience little to no exhaustion the next day. Resting well and waking up early can significantly increase your energy levels. This is because well-rested body is more active to take on the day.
Enhanced Productivity
Early rising and well resting also lead to increased productivity levels. When you wake up with a positive outlook of the day and increased energy levels, you are also more likely to be productive. Getting up early, working out, and breathing the morning air can pump you up to make the most of your day.
Meanwhile, waking up early also means fewer distractions and equals greater productivity. For instance, waking up early on the weekends can give you distraction-free time to set your goals for the day.
Or, you can also get to work before the rest of your colleagues to prepare your mind for the work at hand without any distractions. Not to mention, the brain tends to be more alert in the morning, so you can use it to attend to important tasks. Rising early allows you to start your day before others and get more time to achieve more goals.
Early Rising & Better Health
Waking up at the same time every day helps your circadian rhythm that equates to better overall wellbeing.
As already mentioned, early rising means also means sleeping early and getting enough sleep. This means that you rest well, allowing your mind and body to rest and reenergize. It promotes the release of growth hormones for muscle development.
Not to mention, restful sleeping also means lowered blood pressure, slower breathing, and increased blood flow to muscles. This results in the healthy repair of muscles and bones while your mind and body relax.
On the other hand, a better sleeping schedule that involves timely sleeping and early rising also develops a healthy circadian rhythm.
You will also experience improved brain function with better focus and concentration and enhanced memory retention and neuroplasticity. Additionally, early rising also significantly helps reduce stress levels and the severity of anxiety symptoms allowing you to deal with uncertainty more effectively.
There is a reason that well-known successful personalities swear by the benefits of early rising. It can make you more optimistic, increase your energy levels, enhance your activity and support healthy well-being.
If you want to build the perfect morning routine, click here.
p.s. – If you want to develop better habits, schedule a free no-obligation appointment directly in my calendar here.
Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC
Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC
Paul is a Master Life Coach for GenX and GenY executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 14-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.