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Many underestimate the power of gratitude. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by negative feelings when times get rough. Many people feel their energy draining when going through a difficult phase in life. Although it is normal to have negative thoughts, it can feel debilitating when you’re completely unable to focus on good ones.

While you might find it hard to see positivity in negative situations, one simple practice can transform your life entirely. Gratitude can alleviate most negative feelings that take no time at all to creep in.

Let’s see how you can increase happiness and be more satisfied with life by practicing gratefulness every day.


Gratitude Boosts Self Worth and Self Esteem

When we talk about negativity, low selfesteem and confidence are common issues. Many people cannot tackle the challenges of life only because they don’t feel confident enough to do so.

When you have a poor image of yourself and don’t see your worth, it can be extremely hard to focus on the good in life. However, high selfesteem and selfconfidence change your perspective for the better. With gratitude, you can concentrate on all you have accomplished so far with your hard work and talents.

This way, you are more likely to shift your focus from the negativity of failures, disappointments, and hurt to how things aren’t worse. Unlearn your habits and create new ones. Your growth depends on it.


Helps in Coping with Stress and Trauma

Stressful and traumatic situations are huge contributing factors to feelings of discontent. Many people carry enormous loads of stress and worries everywhere they go. While it is most definitely hard to forget a traumatic experience, it can inhibit you from enjoying new and better experiences.

One way of coping with stress and the negativity that comes with trauma is to practice gratitude regularly. While life may be challenging at times, it also offers many chances to be happy. Each time you meet a positive situation in life, take some time out and practice gratitude.

Try not to let your past negative experiences get in, creating better, positive memories. According to the academic literature, this will not just allow you more time with the positivity life has to offer, but you will also learn to heal from your trauma.


Promotes Savoring Positive Life Experiences

Creating a new habit of practicing gratitude each day of life also helps you savor the positive experiences in life. You can achieve maximum satisfaction and contentment when you relish and take pleasure in your present. Try and avoid dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. This will help you be more content and happy with your life.

Often, current circumstances have a lot more to offer than just negativity. There are many instances a situation is more beautiful than it is stressful.

For instance, you may be worried about your presentation at a seminar. However, realizing the importance of the opportunity and practicing gratitude can give you much satisfaction. Try and be grateful for the good rather than dreading the negatives.


Encourages Stronger Relationships and Bonds

Often, people are discontent with life due to their deteriorating relationships with loved ones. Several reasons go into a breaking bond. However, being ungrateful is a large contributing factor. It is hard to understand the importance of a relationship in your life when things are good.

The habit of practicing gratitude allows you to build better relationships and experience greater connectedness. It also nurtures and strengthens existing relationships when you feel gratitude towards an individual in your life.

The findings from various studies and research suggest that grateful people experience higher-quality relationships with stronger bonds. So, become aware of the value of your family and friends, and practice gratitude.


Encourages Moral Behavior

Gratitude can significantly encourage moral behavior in an individual. This, in turn, calls for more gratitude and greater contentment. Grateful people are more likely to be good at morals. They feel more inclined to help others around them.

This is especially because practicing gratitude allows you to become aware of the value and importance of caring acts. You become less materialistic and feel more compelled to help others experience the good that life has to offer.

With gratitude, you will likely be less fixated on acquiring stuff and going along with society’s lie, and more focused on making the world a better place.


Bottom Line

Gratitude can help you become more content with life in several ways. It can boost your confidence, help you focus on the good, and heal from trauma. Not only this, but you also become more helpful and caring towards others and encourages stronger relationships.


p.s. – Do you want more contentment in your life? schedule a free no-obligation appointment directly in my calendar here. I look forward to our conversation!


Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC

Paul is a Master Life Coach for GenX and GenY executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 14-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.