flow state


Whether you want to excel in your profession or work toward mastery in a hobby, learning to achieve flow state can be beneficial for you. 

Wondering how? Read on to find out.


What is Flow State?

Flow Book

The International Bestseller by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Do you notice that sometimes you do exceptional work even when surrounded by several distractions? Yes! You were in the “Zone”- completely engrossed in your work and unconsciously avoiding everything happening around you. In other words, you were in the flow state. 

A flow state is a feeling of being in the moment that everything around you doesn’t matter. When someone is in the flow, they lose track of time, feel that time is passing slowly and get completely immersed in the task they are doing. 

During this state, you give complete attention to the task at hand. This feeling can be an energizing experience for you. In fact, the results of your task can be exceptional.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is the first expert who recorded the phenomenon of flow state and did massive research on it. He highlighted eight characteristics of the flow state:

  1. Clarity of goals 
  2. Great focus on the task
  3. A balance between challenge and skill
  4. Loss of self-consciousness
  5. Control on task
  6. Transformation of time (slowing down/ speeding up)
  7. Autotelic experience (that the gratification of doing something is the task itself, not an outcome)
  8. The job is intrinsically rewarding

So, if you are in the flow state, you will experience the things mentioned above. 


How to Get into Flow State?

Most people think that it is impossible to get into a flow state consciously. They believe that it is a natural phenomenon and human beings don’t have control over it. However, experts found that with a little practice, you can create the conditions that make the flow state more probable.

This can help you boost your skills, offer the best services to others, and complete your task with ease and in less time. 

Here are some things that you can do to get into the zone. 


Focus on the Task at Hand

flow state

Flow is a productive, yet peaceful place to be.

Sometimes, people tend to think about everything except the task they are doing. This causes distraction, and they can’t focus on the work. If you want to get into the flow state, you need first to forget thinking about what you will do when you get back to the house or what you will cook for dinner. Instead, concentrate on the very thing you are doing.

Additionally, if there are several parts of your task, try to focus on one thing at a time. The more you will care about the task at hand, the more you are likely to get into the flow state. 


Choose an Appropriate Activity

Sometimes, it’s challenging to get in the zone when the activity is too easy or challenging. This is because a complex activity may require you to ask for help. You might also feel a bit anxious and worried about it. This makes it challenging to concentrate on the work entirely.

On the other hand, if the activity is too easy, you might not feel the need to give it your entire focus. So, choose the activity carefully for this method.


Leverage Your Skills for More Flow

Are you planning to prepare dinner for a family gathering, but you are bad at cooking? In this case, planning to embrace a flow state is an impossible thing. If you are not good at the task, you can’t give it all your energy and focus. 

For practicing this method, choose a task linked to your skills. For instance, if you are good at writing, use your writing time to grow your ability to develop a flow state. 


Focus on the Journey

Your mindset during the task should be focused on the journey instead of the destination. This will help you enjoy the journey and feel relaxed while doing the task. 

For instance, if you are an athlete, focus on enjoying the process of the game instead of the medal. In other words, you should live in the moment and be present and mindful.


Bottom Line

You can create the conditions to bring more flow state into your life. If you follow these steps, and you’re getting stuck. Book a time with me to see if we’re a fit for working together.

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC

Paul is a Master Life Coach for individuals, executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 13-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.