Maybe it’s time for you to hire a life coach.  You may know intellectually what you are capable of, but getting to that “next level” seems to be difficult. The experts say all kinds of things about how to get there, but sometimes, no amount of positive thinking works…


Who Hires a Life Coach?

Most of my clients have one thing in common: a “heaviness” or “weight” they’ve been dragging around their entire lives, and they come to me because they want to free themselves from it.

Hire a Life Coach to Drop the “Heaviness”

Advancement in personal growth is less about what you gain and more about what you let go of.

​This heaviness is made of the same stuff in all of us– it’s made of negative beliefs about yourself or about the world and it’s made of unhelpful ways of thinking.

Many people think that the way to deal with this emotional weight is to be more positive, that humans are like a hot air balloon – if you don’t keep giving it more and more fuel (like positive affirmations and thinking good thoughts) then the balloon drifts downward and it’s your fault for not giving it enough. This approach is just not sustainable, and it’s exhausting.

A gas balloon, on the other hand, works differently. It can still carry you, but rather than having to give it fuel, the lift is already there. This is how I think humans really are – we are born with the lift, we are born optimistic, curious and driven, but what holds us back are the sandbags full of limiting beliefs and dysfunctional thinking.

Reclaim Your Childhood Life View

An example of this is a small child learning how to walk. At no point does that kid sit down, cross his or her arms and go “this is impossible—I’ll never walk.” The reason for this is that they haven’t learned their limitations yet. There is nothing holding them back.

Later in life, we learn these limitations – we learn “I can’t” or “I’m not enough.” Just like the sandbags that are used to keep a gas balloon grounded, the only way to progress in a long-term, sustainable way is to simply cut the sandbags free. The unhelpful thought patterns have to go.

Is it Time to Hire a Life Coach?

If your efforts are only about thinking positive and looking yourself in the mirror and saying nice things, you’ll never truly move forward. You have to go into the negative stuff and get rid of it. That is how you get results. That is how you rise.


p.s. – See if the time is right to hire a life coach. Book a FREE trial session with me now.


Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Paul Strobl, MBA, CPC

Owner of Confide Coaching, LLC

Paul is a Master Life Coach for GenX and GenY executives and business owners. Originally from Houston, Texas, he has been location independent for most of his adult life. He currently resides in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria near the Greek border with his brilliant wife, 14-year-old stepson (officially adopted in 2021!) and a Posavac Hound rescue.