Life Coaching Video Library

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Why People Hire a Life Coach

Why People Hire a Life Coach

Many personal development “gurus” see us as a hot air balloon-where we need to keep giving yourself positivity. I view humans as gas balloons where the life is there, but we learn the “sandbags” that hold us back. The key is to go into the negative thinking and reduce or get rid of these sandbags–this is the only way to long-term sustainable positive change in our lives.

Life Coaching vs. Therapy

Life Coaching vs. Therapy

The biggest difference is the time element: a psychotherapist works with someone’s past to come to healthy and functional present. A coach works with people who, for the most part, are healthy and functional, but they have a lack of clarity in their future. They are asking themselves, “What now?” – this is better suited for life coaching.

The Judgment of Others

The Judgment of Others

Getting past the idea of what people think of you is one of the most difficult things to undo. Here’s the truth: most people are so concerned with what you think of them that they aren’t really thinking about you much at all. Don’t give so much energy to your personal marketing and PR department and focus on what matters. You are free when you aren’t concerned with the opinions of others.

How Life Coaching is Like Playing Jenga

How Life Coaching is Like Playing Jenga

As a coach, there is a process of asking a question or give a perspective to see “what moves” in the client. Jenga works the same way. If a block moves, you continue to draw it out, but if a block doesn’t move, then you look for another angle to find one that does. The only thing that “falls apart” at the end is your own ego as you get more clarity into what matters.